Week Seven - The Final Stretch!

18 December 2019

The final week is here… and our presentation day has arrived! We’ve done quite a bit of work putting the finishing touches on the AuroraFan, so let’s jump right into it! We’ve finalized the macOS companion app, fitting it with a stopwatch that has both an analog, as well as digital component! Additionally, we’ve finished the weather app, which shows the temperature, a description, and an icon representing the weather at your current location! We’ve also developed quite a few graphics, which the mock-ups of can be seen below! Cloudy Weather Rainy Weather Heavy Rainfall Cloudy Morning Snowy Weather Mixed...

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Week Six - Demo Time!

13 December 2019

Week six has passed and we’ve made some great process! We’ve finished setting-up all possible letters and numbers on the display, we’ve developed a marquee for the text, and we’ve created 4 main demos! We’ve still run into a few problems however, mostly due to our limited hardware. Serial is proving to be a bit of a pain to send data over, so we’ve had to take a couple of losses in terms of demos due to this. Image transfer is not possible because too many packets are lost, and checking them would be too slow. However, loading the Arduino...

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Week Five - Stabilizing With Sensors

06 December 2019

Week five is nearing its end and we’ve found ourselves not only making more progress… but more problems as well. We’ve gotten the Hall Effect Sensor working to some extent, however the image still slowly rotates, despite our best efforts. We’ve added a potentiometer for fine-tuning and calibrating, but this only works if we’re consistently operating it, which is not ideal. To amend this, we’re trying a light sensor and LED combination on both the opposite side of the blades and the base, though it’s still a work-in-progress. On the brighter side, we’ve started working on hard-coding some letters in...

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Week Four - Batteries Included...?

29 November 2019

Week four was Thanksgiving break, but we still managed to get quite a bit done! Right before break started, we went through the painstaking effort of soldering two pairs of three neopixels together. This proved to be quite difficult, due to the pads being horizontal to each other. In the end (and after about two and a half hours of working) we had the two sets finished, and in working condition. Over the break itself we started assembling our cut pieces, and affixing the LEDs to the fan blades. This went smoothly, but when it came to testing, we ran...

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Week Three - Assembly Required

22 November 2019

The third week has come and gone, and we’ve made some decent progress! Tuesday we bought our plywood at The Home Depot, as well as picked up some screws and spacers. They didn’t have the exact thickness plywood we needed, but we adjusted our plans for the laser cutter and all was well. On Wednesday we honored our appointment and went down to Mount Holyoke to cut our pieces, though we ran into quite a few problems! When we exported our plans and opened them in Adobe Illustrator in order to print them, we found that the laser cutter would...

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Week Two - Pieces Coming Together

15 November 2019

Week two has come to a close and we’ve gathered all the components we’ve needed besides the plywood, screws, neopixels, and a couple of loose odds-and-ends. We hope to grab some plywood at The Home Depot next week and finalize a reservation for laser cutting the pieces. Stay tuned for next week, where we should have the pieces cut, and if we’re lucky, we’ll have the neopixels too!

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Week One - The Beginning

07 November 2019

This is the first post on our website; check back for future progress updates throughout the following weeks. We hope to have information here weekly, following us and our journey to develop AuroraFan. Stay tuned and check in every Friday for updates! We’re building a display to revolutionize displays… See our progress updates here, updated every week!

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